Order an Autographed Book for $35US

If you cannot make the book signing in person, you can order your book ahead of time online using this page. Bob and David will sign the books on August 21, 2021 between 8 and 9 pm live online and via zoom allowing you to interact with the authors in person during their signing of your book.

International Shipping ($50 US)

If you live outside the United States, you must add this shipping charge for all orders.

Order Autographed Book ($35 US)

If you are in the United States, you can order an autographed book from the authors. The price includes shipping.

PM2 T-Shirt ($15 US with Book)

If you want to add a t-shirt with your autographed book, it is $15 more. If you want the T-Shirt alone, use the button after this button.

PM2 T-Shirt USA

PM2 Hat ($15 US with Book Order)

If you want to add a hat to your order, click on this button. If you want to buy a hat separately, click on the button further below for TPM Hat.

PM2 Shirt ($25 US shipped separately)

If you want a shirt only, please click on the button below. If you want to add one to your book order, please use the T-Shirt button above.

PM2 T-Shirt USA (shipped separate)

PM2 Hat ($25 US Shipped Separately)

If you want a TPM hat only, click on the button below. If you want to add it to your book order, please use the TPM Hat button above.

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